Grown in the UK Eutrema 1






100% UK

  • Sundries and Services
  • Unusual Crops
  • Natural Fungicides & Pesticides
  • Saffron



Telephone     01327 640 062



 Eutrema was established to offer farmers access to unique crop nutrition products. These products are already established in other sectors, such as horticulture and hydroponics, however, they have been unavailable to arable farmers due to price.

At Eutrema we are the primary manufacturers of all our products and we then sell our formulations direct from the virtual factory gate to the farmer.


Our new hydroponic samphire indoor farm

Last year in the Eutrema research grow room we decided to attempt to grow samphire (Salicornia europaea) hydroponically. We did this after speaking to several commercial horticultural nurseries, all of whom had tried to grow this unusual maritime crop. All had followed the usual instructions for growing samphire found on the internet, and all had failed and were wondering if it was even possible.

Initially we found it to be very difficult with little-to-no growth after germination. Then we changed a couple of environmental variables. BOOM! The yields suddenly shot up to amazing levels.

These yields were so high and the taste so delicious, that we decided to commercialise this as a new business venture. So now we are setting up a new grow facility to grow samphire commercially. We are seeking partners all along the supply chain to make this a success. This has been a really interesting project that has required a lot of cross over from our core technical expertise in plant nutrition, biostimulants, and crop health.


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