Grown in England Bouquete Belle 5

Bouquet Belle





  • Florist
  • British Cut Flowers
  • Event Floristry
  • Wedding Flowers



                     TELEPHONE    01887 827068




I (Justine) and my pretty little Citroen 2CV van (Rusty) are ridng around the towns and villages of Rutland, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire selling fresh flowers and bouquets.

Look out for the flyers through your door with details of our visit to your village. You can also find out where we will be on this website, Twitter & Facebook @bouquetbelle.

We will also be at Craft Fairs, Country Shows & Markets.

If not out on the road I will be in the workshop playing with flowers, greenery and ribbons designing arrangements for customers.

We look forward to seeing you..

Justine & Rusty

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