Places To Eat

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This is a database of restaurants and eating establishments that source as much local produce as possible.
By searching by product it will be possible to find an eating establishment that has a particular product for example asparagus on the menu.
By searching an area it would be possible to find all the restaurants that source local grown produce


Further Information 

Also by looking at the webpage with accreditations from other sources such as the Welsh Assembly True Taste award, and this sites carrot rating it would give an indication as to the quality of the food.
If a grown in Wales QR code is included on the restaurant menu it is possible to see where that product had been gown

  By including the restaurant QR code outside on a sign then a customer can see what was on the menu (if the restaurant so wishes) and also further details of the establishment and other promotional material.

Additional information can be included such as special offers or anything else the restaurant puts on his page or an additional page.
The additional page has endless possibilities because it can include additional smart phone optimized links or daily updates of the menu.

 This is a marketing tool that is at the moment is hardly touched Grown in England unlocks this for a restaurant as part of its inclusion in the database.

Together the website and the smart phone QR code, as a package, directly connect the customer with the restaurant.




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