Search Growers within Middlesex

Grown in the UK Anglo Aquatic Plants

Anglo Aquatic Plant





  • Ornamental Plants
  • Aquatic Plants
  • Bog Plants
  • Plants to Encourage Wildlife
  • Waterlilies
  • Waterside Plants
Grown in the UK British Garden Centres 1

British Garden Centres (Enfield)





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)
  • with Restaurant
Grown in England Clockhouse Nursery 1

Clockhouse Nursery





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)
Grown in the UK Hilliers

Hillier Garden Centre Ruislip





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)
Grown in the UK Jacques Amand International Ltd

Jacques Amand International Ltd





  • Tubers, Seeds, Bulbs, Corms and Cuttings
  • Bulbs
  • Tubers

Squire’s (Shepperton)





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)

Squire’s (Stanmore)





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)
Grown in England Tendercare 1






  • Ornamental Plants
  • Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
  • A Ornamental Shrubs
  • A Ornamental Trees
  • Architectural Plants
  • Bamboos
  • Cherry Trees (Ornamental)
  • Climbing Plants
  • Conifers
  • Hedging Plants
  • Herbaceous Perennials
  • Lilac
  • Magnolia
  • Specimen Trees
  • Willow Plants
  • Woodland Perennials
Grown in the UK Wolden Garden Centre

Wolden Garden Centre





  • Garden Centre
  • Garden Centre (All)