Grown in England Pineview Plants 1

Pineview Plants





  • Ornamental Plants
  • A Ornamental Plants (Various)
  • Perennials
  • Plantsmans Plants
  • Rare Plants
  • Woodland Perennials



      Tel      01732 882 945     or   07736 420016    




Pineview Plants is run by Colin & Cindy Moat and the nursery offers a wide range of perennial plants ranging from rare, new or unusual, to easy, interesting and reliable.

These have been selected over many years and are all good garden plants ranging from named varieties to plants of species raised from seed.

The wide range primarily reflects plants that are of interest to us and that we believe to be of outstanding garden merit.

These include mainly herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses, which complement them.

During the summer months the nursery is generally open on a Friday and Saturday from 10am – 4pm from the beginning of May to the end of September (outside of these dates by appointment).

We would urge you to ring before travelling as we are also attending a number of Plant Fairs around the South East of England, which sometimes conflict with these days.

We hope you visit our website and look forward to seeing you at our nursery or one of the Plant Fairs.


Our nursery offers a wide range of perennial plants ranging from rare, new or unusual, to easy, interesting and reliable. 

These have been selected over many years and are good garden plants varying from named varieties to plants of species raised from seed.

The wide range primarily reflects plants that are of interest to us, which we believe to be of outstanding garden merit. These include mainly herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses, which complement them.

Included in the above range is a large selection of shade loving plants, in excess of 60 varieties of grasses like Miscanthus, Panicum, Molinia and Pennisetum and an ever growing collection of Sanguisorba, Phlox, Astrantia and Thalictrum.

You will also find a smattering of South African plants reflecting the many guided Wildflower tours that we have organised to that country.


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