Grown in England Green Leaves Nursery 1

Green Leaves Nursery





  • Ornamental Plants
  • Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
  • A Ornamental Plants (Various)
  • A Ornamental Shrubs
  • A Ornamental Trees
  • Heritage Varieties
  • Plantsmans Plants
  • Rare Plants
  • Unusual Plants



Telephone 01531 820154 or Mobile 07890 413036




Greens Leaves are a specialist plant nursery able to supply a wide selection of choice, rare and unusual plants, all grown in our Gloucestershire nursery.

 We also give talks for gardening clubs – these are practical, “hands-on” talks showing our diverse range of plants. Each year we visit many clubs across the Midlands, Wales & South-West, but other areas considered too. Please contact Paul for full details via email.

 Greens Leaves also attend a number of specialist fairs and shows throughout the UK where a selected range of plants are on view and available for sale.


Greens Leaves have dedicated their nursery to a collection of rare and specialist plants from around the world and the list is growing. As some are a little different from those normally found in the UK, we give detailed care instructions with each to ensure the plant has the best growth opportunity.

 The vast majority of plants are grown in the nursery, but we are able to source others at competitive prices should we not have the specific plant your are after, please call for details.


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